I-automechanika Frankfurt ithathwa njengenye yezinto eziningi zokuhweba zonyaka zokuhweba zonyaka ezisebenza ngezinsizakalo zezezimoto.
Ama-‣CEMPAURERIORIORY futhi Wenza ngokwezifiso
‣Car ugeza futhi unakekele
Izimoto ze-‣Classic
Abaphathi be-Orbealer & Workshop
‣Diagnostics kanye nokulungisa
‣Electronics & Ukuxhumana
‣Parts & Izakhi

Yithuba elihle lokuxhumana nekusasa lomkhakha wezinsizakalo zezimoto eHhovisi Lokuhwebelana, njengomunye wabahlinzeki be-Auto Auto auto, i-Booth No. yi-10.1a11c, sizokhombisa imikhiqizo yethu engcono kakhulu futhi emisha nge-fair ke.

Imikhiqizo Range G & W enikezwa:
Izingxenye Zokumiswa: Ingalo yokulawula, i-Shock Absorber, ukumiswa komoya, i-strut Mount.
Izingxenye Zokuqondisa: I-Ball Joint, Tie Rood End, Stabilizer, Iphampu yokuqondisa amandla, ukugibela i-rack.
Izingxenye zokupholisa injini: I-Injini Mount, i-radiator, iphampu yamanzi, fan radiator, i-inter colower, i-hose epholile, i-hose epholile, ithangi lokunweba, ithangi lokunweba, ithangi lokunweba, ithangi lokunweba, ithangi lokunweba, ithangi lokunweba, ithangi lokunwebisa.
Izingxenye ze-A / C: I-Condenser, i-Blower motor, i-heater, i-blower prossion.
Izihlungi: Isihlungi Somoya, isihlungi somoya wekhabethe, isihlungi sikaphethiloli kanye nezihlungi zikawoyela.
Izitho zomzimba: I-Wiper wiper blade, ukushintshwa kwenhlanganisela, umlawuli wewindows, iziqeshana kanye nama-fasteners.
Ezinye izingxenye: I-Tempension pulley, i-Wheel Hub, i-CV ehlanganisiwe, i-CV axle, Starter kanye ne-alternator.
G&W product ranges cover most of popular cars and light trucks on market.Supplying with OEM and ODM auto parts services since 2004,more than 500SKU new auto parts are added every year per customer and market’s demand,G&W strives to satisfy the demand of multiple SKU and flexible quantity from the market.Any interest about G&W company or our auto parts,please contact us sales@genfil.com.
Silangazelela ukuhlangana nabo bonke abangane bethu abasha nabadala futhi eFrankfurt.Umukelekile ukuba nokuma ku-10.1a11c.

Isikhathi sePosi: Aug-08-2024